
News regarding monuments, tourism, etc.

Opens Archaeological Museum, brought to light the treasures of Durres

After 5 years of interruption, Durres Archaeological Museum opened to the public today, the rebuilt on the basis of a new project.
At the ceremony, attended by Prime Minister Edi Rama Rama accompanied by his wife Linda, Minister of Culture Mirela Kumbaro, representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in Tirana and other guests.
Prime Minister Edi Rama considered as an important day for the national heritage. Culture Minister Mirela Kumbaro, in her speech said that "Our Durres under the protection of his goddess Artemis, will attract more visitors that there is more beauty to show the culture and the city. Adriatic doors are open. "
Last year, on the initiative of the Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with the Institute of Cultural Monuments, the Regional Directorate of Cultural Heritage and the Municipality of Durres, began rikontruksioni museum and then work for Museumization, restoration of archaeological objects and exposure to .
One year the working group from the Ministry of Culture, highlighted numerous problems indoors, where the artifacts were scattered in a chaotic manner and untreated, Outdoor also presented the same problem. Facilities that are now museum collections dignified, spent the entire process of purification, conservation, restoration, cataloging and inventorying their processes were not performed in 60 years, since the discovery of their own. Archaeology Museum of Durres has a fund of 3204 objects, of which 2400 are exhibited today, while the second phase, with Museumization other facilities, will continue next year.
Kumbaro Minister announced that, also, in the Archaeological Museum of Durres, is preparing a version of archaeological exhibition for blind visitors, a new opportunity that Albania.

In 2014, thanks to the work done, it was observed doubling of the number of visitors to cultural heritage sites around the country.

St. Athanasius church restored, Karavasta

Presentation of the restoration project of the Church of St. Thanasit- Karavasta, Lushnje. The news was announced by the Minister of Culture, Mirela Kumbaro, which stated inter alia that:
"Last Saturday of Easter Catholic we presented the project of restoration of the Catholic cemetery and Chapel of Rrmajit, including graves completely neglected to Cole Idromeno and grave monumental Marubis work for the realization of which will start soon.
Today we have the pleasure to present the project to restore the church very special little known, but which has tremendous value, it comes to the church of the 18th century the church of St. Athanasius in Karavasta, worth is recognized, visit, be promoted.
I want to thank the local MP, Mr. Erion Brace, who is the promoter of this project, which together with the villagers Karavasta not separated me not to do, that is why we have a duty, but to convince me how beautiful is this church. And everything very nicely, worthwhile to share, we want to share this day with you "
Present at the press conference Mr. Erion Brace, who in his capacity as President of the Commission of Economy said that "I want to say that I have and I will have all the proper attention to the culture budget, including this aspect to we are speaking, the restoration of Monuments as well as others, will be the priority attention of the commission. " He said the funds would be made available to the Ministry of Culture of revenue Gambling.
Director of KMI, Arta Dollani presented a detailed project on restoration, not only the object of worship, but also in paintings and wall frescoes.
St. Thomas's Church, Karavasta, is one of seven cultural heritage Ministry of Culture is committed to restore.

A two-hundred years bridge near Kruje seduce with beauty

Tirana, February 12 - After almost 40 years at the Bridge of Abdul Aga, after an inspection of the recently developed by specialists of the Regional Directorate of National Culture Durres, within the health records of cultural heritage, experts have suggested that the structure is in good condition and does not represent Cession or flaw, while the layer of pavement on the bridge was damaged in a length of 15 m and the maximum width 2 m.

In a press note that seeing the terrain and the width of the bridge this bridge is built for pedestrians or small caravans, and it is impossible that in the field of large trolley pass.

Bridge appears in good condition, transmits ATA.

The monument is situated in the black away Gorge Instance in Kruje between the villages of Cudhi Barkanesh highlands of Kruje.

Today it connects villages Ranxës (Barkanesh, Këlcunjë, Buronjë, Kukaj Mukaj, row, Herraj) the highlands of Kruje (Cudhi Turquoise, Rranxë etc.).

The river passes under black away, which after passing Fushe Kruje addresses coastal lowlands. According to the country's resources construction of the bridge is about the years 1810-1820.

In the construction of the bridge is used limestone mountain nearby.

Adjacent to the bridge preserved medieval cobblestone trail different times.

Bridge inspection Kurçajt monument, expected intervention

TIRANA, 18 February / ATA / - Regional Directorate of National Culture Durres Kruje sector, conducted an inspection today at the monument called "Bridge Kurçajt" bridge situated on the Black River, south of Kruje.

Kruje Sector specialists have conducted this inspection within the health records of cultural heritage, and to see closely the current situation presents bridges.

Monument inspected by specialists, proved to be in a state of good partly because the main arc curve has undergone a cracking due erozjonit time, plasëritje requiring intervention in mirëmbjtjen of this cultural heritage.
Kurçajt bridge is south of Kruje in the village Kurçaj by Kruje on the river that flows from the black away Shtama Neck.

Bridge Kurçajt serving short road convoys Tirana Kruje under this itinirari: Tirana-Zall Herr-row-Mukaj-Buronjë-Kurçaj-Barkanesh-Kruje.

On the heels of big vault stored holes lower beams reinforcing the arc.
Bridge Construction Kurçajt is the XVIII-th century.

In front pages it is working with black plate placed stones lying while paving is done by generations, scales tip.

These generations ngihen on the basis of the pavement around 10-15 cm and stretched every 100-120cm.

3 million lek for rehabilitation of Bridge Kordhocës

One of the rarest objects of the nineteenth century, such as the Bridge Kordhocës, will undergo a general reconstruction in the second stage of its total rehabilitation.

One of the rarest objects of the nineteenth century, such as the Bridge Kordhocës, will undergo a general reconstruction in the second stage of its total rehabilitation. The news was confirmed by the Director of Cultural Monuments of Gjirokastra, Spartak Drasa. The latter claimed "Panorama" that the Albanian government has allocated a sum of 3 million leks to make possible the rehabilitation in the second phase of it, which would strengthen its position defense by any external factor, it can be torrential rains that have managed to undermine the fundamental basis of it, as a result of the river tejngopjes Drinos. The fund designated by the Albanian government intervention will affect the foundations of the arches of the bridge, reinforcing them. In the first phase they were invested 6 million, was made possible physical rehabilitation of its floors, high side walls and other parts aparenciale. Bridge Kordhocës only as a link with the status object of the Drina valley crop is over 20 meters high and at its peak 7 meters. It is composed of some decorative arches-characteristic for the period of its construction in the nineteenth century. It has long served as a bridge between the western part of the village Lazarat and the eastern valley where the agricultural lands of the local villagers. Bridge Kordhocës served in feature films, mostly during the '70s and' 80s, namely in episodes of "Here Freedom, Look Away," "Living Wall" and "Wedding Sacco." Construction of time combined with oriental style, has given it the status of a cultural monument protected by the state.

Treasury seized works exhibited at the National Gallery

With the presence of the Prime Minister, Mr. Edi Rama, Minister of Interior Mr. Saimir Tahiri and Minister of Culture Mrs. Mirela Kumbaro Furxhi National Art Gallery exhibited works of art seized by the Tirana Police operation. Prime Minister Rama during his speech said; "The operation was extraordinary, the largest in this field, during all these years the destruction of our cultural heritage".

As Minister of Culture said: "This operation demonstrated extraordinary immediate cooperation among police forces and other structures. This is one of the first operations to build bridges to the cultural heritage sector, and to stop the fight against trafficking of cultural heritage.

There are a number of other works that continue to be at risk and the Ministry of Culture launched an awareness campaign. "
It is important that these exceptional values ​​at risk are in the public institution of kulturës.Falenderoj police, words are unnecessary. A wealth of extraordinary leave the country, "said Ms. Mirela Kumbaro.
Most works are damaged wall. Thefts were carried out over several years in Macedonia and Korca.
In this emergency situation the expert group has been established with specialists of the National Center of the Cultural Property Inventory, specialists from KMI and specialists of the Department of Material Heritage in the Ministry of Culture.

Experts will analyze one by one all works to discover the origin. The first process will be verification. Verifications until now can be said that the objects of art are: icons, frescoes and objects of worship, mainly Byzantine and medieval.

In a second phase of verification of the seized objects will be photographed and ultimately their full identification. Experts say that some of the art objects seized are known of them, as collectors have sought registration of some of their QKIPK's, where for reasons of suspected origin of the facility this registration process is not performed.

Full verification and identification of objects of art seized investigation is ongoing.

Mosque restored wall paintings of King

On 21 October 2013, at the Regional Center of Conservation and Restoration of Monuments in IMK, will begin a new training course for the "restoration of the Ottoman Heritage in South-Eastern Europe".

For the first time the activity of the Regional Centre for Conservation Restoration, with the support of Turkish International Agency for Cooperation and Development and in cooperation with the support of the Regional Office of UNESCO for Science and Culture in Europe, Venice (Italy).

This training will last two weeks and will form seven conservation of wall paintings, coming from countries such as Bulgaria, Kosovo, Serbia, and Albania. Theoretical lectures will be held at the premises of the Center for Conservation and after they practice on the ground. Work will consist of surveying, documentation, and project design for the restoration of mural painting of the mosque King in Berat. The opening ceremony was attended by, Minister of Culture, Ms. Mirela Kumbaro Furxhi Replace. Zef Guy, the representative office of UNESCO Mr. Sinisa Sesum TIKA Coordinator for Albania Mr. Birol Çetin, etc.

The project was to "documentation of the wall paintings and decorations in wood" and the development of a restoration project for them, the mosque King Berat.

Mosque King is one of the main mosques of the city of Berat declared a cultural monument in 1948. It is part of the complex and the Islamic Center was built by Sultan Bayezid II in the late fifteenth century. It consists of a prayer hall, porch and minaret.

In massive prayer hall painted ceiling, mafili spacious maisonette on two pillars of wood,

The top of the minaret was rebuilt in recent years while its base is built with cloisonné technique and is one of the architectural elements belonging to the construction of the first mosque in the XV century. From outside the mosque was completely plastered and painted on the stucco is to mimic its masonry.

Tuma Kamenica, the project ends and new discoveries method in preserving the ruins

Today, on 24 January 2014, with the presence of Minister of Culture, Mirela Kumbaro Furxhi and US ambassador in Tirana, Alexander Arvizu visited the project site of the US Embassy in Kamenica Tuma monument, Korce. Tuma of Kamenica, as one of the most representative monuments of Albanian prehistory is the largest monument of its kind so far discovered and studied in our country and carries on him a long story about seven centuries.

Arvizu and Culture Minister Kumbaro- visit the project site and look recreations of old cooking methods by local students of archeology, as well as new methods for the detection and storage of rubble. All remains and objects of the area dating from the 6th century and are a testament to the history of the Albanian culture.

The project has been aimed maintenance and intervention in the Museum of the sites, intrusion into groundwater, setting up an educational center in the archeological site and cooperation with local government and community to a long-term development of maintenance in this monument Albanian special importance .

Onufri Museum and the Ethnographic Museum in the "Museumcultour"

Two National Museums of Portland, Onufri and Ethnographic join IPA Adriatic program, the program "MUSEUMCULTOUR". Onufri National Ethnographic Museums and included as an integral part of the partnership together with seven other museums IPA - Adriatic. Creating a new identity visual through heritage values, opening the museum to the public, organizing events and cultural activities and exhibits moving into the premises of these institutions by creating all the options attractive to increase the number of domestic visitors and foreigners, but also influenced financial income growth.

In the premises of the Ethnographic Museum presented today IPA Adriatic program, the project "MUSEUMCULTOUR", where the winner is the KCLB, along with seven partners Museums of the Adriatic region. In the presence of personalities mayor of Berat, heads of institutions of culture and cultural heritage of Berat, promotional meeting was held with the presentation of promotional materials, within the project with the theme "Museums and Cultural Tourism reflect the Adriatic".

In the spotlight this presentation discussed the new visual identity of museums KCLB Onufri & Ethnographic that are so important for the city of Portland.

"As of October compared to last year the number of visitors to the two museums has increased considerably. KCLB has managed to double the number of visitors, but also double the number of income. A good part of this result has come from promotional work in helping this project, "said director KCLB Agron Polovina, in his audience.

In this meeting were presented and promotional materials derived already from KCLB, as Creating a new image of museums (Logos), Brand Book of KCLB brings innovation culture in the organization museum image continuously for two museums.

This brand features a full package of promotional materials, ranging from catalog, mobile exhibitions, leaflets, postcards, bags, banners, vertical and horizontal information material in both city and Onufri & Ethnographic museums that help movement visitors as well as the introduction of uniform employees KCLB etc.

General Director of Strategic Planning for Heritage and Cultural Diversity at the Ministry of Culture Mrs. Juliet Harasani stated timeframe of projects and hasten the managers and specialists to be part of collaborations. "In Brussels, which has just announced strategy of Southeast Europe and even countries Ionian and Adriatic, they will be designed and conceived various projects that belong to the cultural heritage, requiring the cooperation and effort of all our structures of heritage, to They are part of such important programs as the IPA Adriatic ".

Museum "House of Leaves", the Museum of secret police spying

The building known in Albania as "House of Leaves" will soon be open to the public, it was conceived as a museum. The Ministry of Culture will present ot the public on 24 January, the form and the way of transformation. Built in 1931, the building originally had a clinical function. During World War II, under the German occupation, it belonged to the Gestapo's, while immediately afterwards, in the early years of the new regime, it became a center of the State Security (the political police) used for investigations. Since 1950, it became the headquarters of scientific and technical section Security. The house is located in the city center, on the opposite side of Orthodox Cathedral, near Skanderbeg Square and the Central Bank of Albania.
The idea is to transform this house, already identified by the public as part of Security, in a museum. In the center of the idea of ​​the museum is displaying in the form pars pro toto of totalitarian control and his omnipresence in an original form, through wiretaps and electronic espionage from where they were performed.
According to the model of this section, the general concept of the museum can be represented by three concentric circles. The first circle includes activities conducted in this House: tapping cable and control over correspondence. The reason for the establishment of scientific and technical section in this house lies in the proximity that it has with the central post office and telephone. The second round consists of a central aspect that this section has been collecting surveillance data from all other sections of Security. The third circle consists interception in general, as part of the activities mentioned in the previous settings. The latter includes all tapping through a vast network of informants.
Besides the history of the House and functions Technical and Scientific Section, the museum will outline dimensions and other facts about the control of the Secret Police. One of the premises of the museum will be dedicated to the Snoopers - hidden microphones. A second space will be dedicated to "live microphone" informants. A third space will be dedicated to the paradigm of "Enemy" (the object of interception) as a paranoid myth and image, and its inclusion was necessary that the inclusion of surveillance. A fourth space will be dedicated to the connection between the idea of ​​the enemy internal and external enemy, which was particularly important in the country due to its self-imposed isolation, and will outline interception against foreigners. Another space will show the grounds of a typical Albanian living room 70s' decorations to be seen in areas intended for the listener and përgjuarit. And another space will be dedicated to technical and scientific laboratory of the Section dealing mostly with photos and footage revealing secrets being ndëthurur so visual (visual) with dëgjimoren. This area will be called "panopticon and Panacusticon". This crown will be central philosophical idea of ​​the museum, that of total control. In addition to the appearance of buildings authentic House, will contain references visual (visual) and textual prison ideal panopticon's, and from here to the utopia of the world perfect, the alleged socialist society, even though it took the form of a prison in across the country. There will be other areas that will be added to the order granting the central idea and all spaces will lead toward this central idea by linking them with images and words.
Language and multimedia museum will be a strong emphasis on authentic, it will consist of original objects used in homes, in video, in arkivorw documents, graphics data, and synthetic explanatory texts, etc.
January 24, 2015, 11:30, st. "4 Martyrs'